Posted by KenW on Saturday, February 07, 2004 at 6:41PM :
In Reply to: Tubing Double Flares How to make them ?? posted by Paul(in NY) on Saturday, February 07, 2004 at 5:03PM :
I bought an Old Forge double flaring set last year. It works great. The following are the instructions from inside the lid:
1. Prepare end of tubing carefully by making sure tubing is cut off square. Beburr inside with reamer blade of tube cutter. Chamfer the outside with either a file or grinding wheel. This preparation is essential to obtain correct forming.
2. Insert tubing through correct size hole in clamp bar. Extend tubing beyond the surface of the flaring bar to proper distance as determined by placing corresponding size adapter flat surface down alongside tubing, so end of tubing is flush with step on adapter. (with my tooling this is about .15" for 5/16" tubing)
3. Tighten flaring bar to the tubing, starting with the clamp point closest to the tubing. Be sure flaring bar holds tubing tight enough so that it will not slip down. Insert stem of adapter into end of tubing. Place yoke assembly over flaring bar and adapter, so that swivel enters depression in end of adapter. Turn and force swivel down until adapter rests flat against flaring bar. The end of the tubing is now formed into a bell shape.
4. Back off swivel and remove adapter from tubing. Now turn swivel down against bell shape of tubing so that metal folds in on itself.
These instructions are supplemented with a couple of illustrations. I hope this makes sense without them.
Make a few practice flares first to get the hang of it, before attempting your actual final brake lines. There's one more thing that the instructions don't mention. Slide your fitting over the tubing BEFORE flaring!!
Good luck,