Posted by Ken Sterrett on Wednesday, February 04, 2004 at 9:50PM :
In Reply to: Re: going for a drive in MRS PIGGY today ken ? posted by OTM mike (in Idaho) on Wednesday, February 04, 2004 at 9:24AM :
Hey Mike !, Mrs. Piggy has been very busy in north Jerome . She spent all day today blowing snow on 100W. going north from the shop. Working for the Jerome Highway Dist. this time of year is very hard on mail boxes ! , some just vaporize when hit by the blast of snow using Mrs Piggy, or a truck with a snow plow , so what do I see when I get home today ?, my mail box or what resembles mail box parts!! laying in the snow !. About two weeks ago I was driving a snow plow in your area , as I was driving I saw two boys trying to hide with some snow balls in there hands . So now I have to look at the scenario right ? I'm the only vehicle on the road, Kids with snow balls with my name on them ? HUM , now I know they have no Idea that I spotted them hunched down and most of all they have no Idea how much snow I can launch at them by a qwik pull on the steering wheel ! , I WON and I learnd just how far your eyes will pop out of your head !!, and I know they learned NEVER CHALANGE a snow plow to a snow ball fight !!. Ken
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