Posted by Wilbur on Tuesday, January 27, 2004 at 9:49AM :
Dear Judd,
I am sorry for the little story I told about our past history, I have grown grumpy in my old age. It was completely written in jest with no harm intended and frankly I was surprised to see the post deleted by Joe (to Joe: again, I apologize for causing you to work on a Sunday evening). I know our friends thought it was funny and not mean-spirited.
Maybe it was cause I just miss you and am anger you sold me....I miss your boy bounding around on my seat (tip- get a child chair, its the law), the wife always drove me ever so gently with a loving touch (definately a nice change from the regular driver, no offense), I do not recall the new family edition ever riding in me, but then again I am old an my memory is not as good as it once was. I had some good times in that treeless wasteland of Nebraska, you and the family made my time there tolerable (sniffle, excuse me, my carb is getting a little choked up). That being said, you are a fairly decent fella even though you lashed out at Sam, John, Paul, BZ, Marty, Dana, ToddW., and Dwight.
PS- Watch out they are all planning to respond independently to all the slanderous comments.
PS2 - What is your fetish with the color Purple? You have something for Whoopi or what?
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