Posted by Dave on Monday, January 26, 2004 at 9:56AM :
In Reply to: Pole Barn Construction Scheduled posted by Will (in MI) on Saturday, January 24, 2004 at 3:46PM :
My stable/garage is of pole construction. What I found out this summer after I got rid of the horses I was boarding was the 4X6 beams sunk into the ground were rotted almost completely through. I suggest that your poles that will be underground either be coated with a protective layer of roofing tar then encapsluated in cement or use brakets to anchor the wood to the cement floor to keep the wood from the ground or soak the ground to be buried protion of the beam in creasote. One of the 4X6 beams was the size of about 1" diameter. I constructed cement pads and used TENCO brackets with rebar to put into the cement pads. If you wish I can give you a more detailed description of what I found and what I did. It's possible over time the horse urine and defication components acelerated the rotting of the beams. Plus I did not take any insect prcautions due to the horses. (I don't do well without a spell checker) Dave
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