Posted by C. Garbee on Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 2:43PM :
David Doyle sent me an email asking me to pose a question to this group since he can't access the forum right now...
In the past 4 months or so an MB-2 that was showroom new was sold surplus in Arkansas. He would like to find the new owner...the Ark MVPA does not know who bought the truck.
The MB-2 is the very rare crash truck version of the M37 (actually built on the longer chasis) that was supplied to the Navy/Marines. I have a photo of the rear of one at a salvage yard that FrankUSMC sent me located on my website and David has a DOD photo of the front of one in his new book.
If you have any idea about the whereabouts of the truck that is in Arkansas, please put a post here or send either myself or David and email.
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