Posted by Billy on Friday, January 09, 2004 at 5:41PM :
In Reply to: OT - Knife sharpening posted by Todd Wilson on Thursday, January 08, 2004 at 10:16PM :
One of the fastest ways to sharpen a knife is with a wet wheel, Tormek is one of the best.
The other way is with a Blade master-sharpening jig or a similar jig.
Sharpening knives is all about the angle of the blade and its use.
I kind of like the blade master its all done by hand but its in a jig its therapy for me.
It takes a lot of practice to do a real nice job on a stone free hand.
Sharpening by hand if you don't keep consistent angle your wasting your time cause you get it sharp and move your hand the angle changes then its dull, start all over again.
Use very light oil like sewing machine oil.
Heavy oils clog the stone; I clean my stones with brake clean then when it dries I apply light oil.
When stone is not in use keep it in a box to keep it clean and nick free.
There are a lot of different jigs I prefer blade master. <-- blade master <--Tormek