Posted by steve on Sunday, December 21, 2003 at 1:42AM :
In Reply to: Overrun with Mexicans... posted by Tex on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 10:23AM :
i live up in sonoma county, a bit north of sanfransisco. there was the march from teh latino community starting from the dmv to the courthouse. for the want of a couple of hundred ins agents! they were flying mexican flags and had posters in spanish.driving is not a right it is a privelidge!if they had a license to drive in mexico they could probably get one here.i was in a intersection and a carfull of mexicans were looking at me in the next car over. i told them that driving was a privelige not a right and they proceded to flip me off. good thing i was in my powerwagon i think they were kinda intimidated by it.they yelled at me in spanish and i left when the light turned green.