Posted by David Sheman on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 9:07PM :
In Reply to: Re: If thats on the Columbian posted by MoparNorm on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 6:58PM :
I hope he got his pension right to the end, because one of the things Gulf Industries did when they took over was stole the pension fund.
Another funny thing the EPA did in Kellogg was go in and check the IQs of the local kids some years after the smelter shut down. They found out they were slightly below average in smarts, which they figured must be due to the lead, never mind that statistically speaking, half the towns in America will have dumber-than-average kids. How about the fact that when the jobs disappeared, most of the smart people with their smart kids left the valley to get a job where you could still get a job, leaving the, what shall we say, "ambition-disadvantaged", people behind? After the smelter and most of the mines shut down people were literally giving away their houses to anybody who came along or they'd just drive away and let the county get them for taxes. And how about the fact that a disproportionate fraction of the folks who couldn't get up the ambition to leave were chronic alcoholics, and even an non-scientist knows that a drunk mother is not likely to produce a very brainy kid? But of course the EPA was looking for lead symptoms so any symptoms they found had to be from lead.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear your granddad lived a good long life. One thing that does get the men underground nowadays is silicosis from the rock dust combined with diesel soot from the LHDs. You run a diesel anything underground and it's bound to be hard on the lungs. I have a good friend who's not much over 70 who can hardly breath any more. I don't suppose the cigarette smoking helped him much either, though.
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