Posted by George (AB) on Sunday, December 14, 2003 at 1:10AM :
In Reply to: Re: 318 vs 360 posted by Todd Wilson on Saturday, December 13, 2003 at 10:42PM :
I Am not looking for more torque like Greg. I have other trucks for that. The 360 had an RV cam & I wasn`t impressed. I have access to both a 318 & a 360, have 2 trucks that need engines, & am just trying to get my brain wrapped around it. The W 150 (blown piton) is the first on the list. I was looking more for just a good driver, good miliage & HP when I need it. I realize 650 is just a little too big for the 318. I don`t want to get into balancing, etc. The heads you mentioned may be the best way to go. You are right about the detonation, it looked just like the pistons out of the gravel trucks we pulled down cause the drivers were too lazy to downshift. Thanks guys for all the Great info. The knowledge on these forums is priceless, Thanks Joe
& too much info never hurts. I will definetly save this thread. Best regards George