Posted by Ken Sterrett on Sunday, December 07, 2003 at 10:26PM :
In Reply to: OT Ford Burma jeep GPW FS VERY NICE!!!! posted by Judd on Sunday, December 07, 2003 at 6:20PM :
Jonas on this forum, either has or did have one of these for sale , I think it is still in the photo classified section . Around 1960, when I was about eight years old, I went with my dad to survey some property that was a future Boy Scout camp in So. Cal. Today the area is known as Lost Valley boy scout camp. I remember sitting side saddle in the passenger seat as my dad drove a Ford GTB into this scout camp making our way into the area to be surveyed without any roads. We also had a CJ2A jeep in our convoy, a guy by the name of Less Adams drove the jeep during our trip. At night Less would drive the jeep onto the front porch and shine his head lights in the doorway of the old trappers cabin we slept in. When our trip was over dad drove the GTB out of the woods and parked it in the near by town where it would wait for the next trip into the camp. I sometimes wonder what happend to this truck , I think the area of the Boy Scout camp is around Riverside, Cal. Ken