Posted by steve on Friday, November 28, 2003 at 12:17PM :
In Reply to: Happy Turkey Day vs Thanksgiving?! posted by Doc Dave on Thursday, November 27, 2003 at 7:21AM :
i like that about our founding fathers that they were hunble enough to aknowedge our creater.nowdays most folks don`t want to considder the fact that there is something bigger and more impoprntant then themselves.alot of politicions and judges hate the constitution for that reason.for instance alot of folks had a cow over the partial abortion ban but want to take away our guns or circumvent aour ability to get them. well anyway my 2 cents worth of drivel for the morning.i won`t even go into how some enviermental laws trumps property rights. or in calfornia how we had to go to an unelected official( judge) and argue our right to cast a ballot to recall the former gonenor.steve