Posted by Fred Coldwell on May 06, 1999 at 07:05:05:
In Reply to: Just brought home *new* Power Wagon posted by Grant on May 05, 1999 at 18:06:35:
Sounds like a great truck, Congrats! Your winch PTO should be driven off the transfer case, but crawl under to make sure before following these instructions. If so, the winch engages by a cable ("T" handle on dash) or, less freequently, a lever coming up through the floor. With tranny in neutral, step down on the clutch and pull "T" handle or lever to engage PTO. With tranny still in neutral, let the clutch out S L O W L Y to make sure nothing is engaged and nothing moves. If you hear silence, be happy.
The transmission controls the directions and speed of the winch: four speeds winding it (first = very slow, second = slow, thrid = medium, forth = screaming), one speed unwinding (reverse). I use first gear as it allows the most control for the task (very slow = very smart). Put tranny in reverse to unwind cable, or release dog cluth on the winch proper and free spool the cable off. Re-engage dog clutch on winch and wind in cable from cab per above instructions.
When winching, drape a jacket or something heavier over the cable to keep it low if it breaks. Check cable for kinks and bends, don't use if bented or frayed too much. But chances are the firemen kept the truck in good repair, so you might be OK. Now go move something big!