What should happen when you bench test a starter???

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Posted by Securityboy on Wednesday, November 12, 2003 at 7:58PM :

OK, I admit this hard to connect to Powerwagons other than until I get my "digger" running I can't play with my Powerwagon.

I have a 85 New Holland Skid Steer (ford engine), that wont start. Since I can hear the electric fuel pump and ignition solnoid, I make the "logical" conclusion that the starter is "gone" So I go get a "new" one (well a rebuilt one), put it in an still nothing. I take it out and "bench test it" That is Connect it direct to a battery, I tried 3 different batterys (all that meter out at just over 12 V) with identical results the starter spins but not with much vigor, and the "plunger" never plunges.

So what am I doing wrong, and what should happen when I bench test a starter?

If it aint the starter what could it be, since the other electrics seem to work, and the engine turns fine by hand?

Sorry for being off the subject but I know someone here would have an answer.

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