Posted by Jonas on Monday, October 27, 2003 at 1:53AM :
In Reply to: Re: Dont even go there Glen.... posted by Willy-N on Sunday, October 26, 2003 at 11:47PM :
Dont even go there Glenn.
Hey Willy, if I'm not on your list, Why dont you jump in everyone elses $%^t who have brought up the "Willy-N fire truck topic" like you jumped in mine last forum (and I did'nt even bring the darn topic up!).
Last forum, I thought you said you did'nt like the 6x6 water tender because it is no good off road, because of the lack of frame flex. Oh yea, and because they flip over. Beter suited for a flat dirt race track or something like that?
Oh, I'm sure a 2 wheel drive truck with a fishplated frame will have a lot more frame flexibility and perform a lot better off road than a 6x6. I would hazard a guess that the tendency to flip over (if there is one) is more about operator error, The operator not knowing the limitations of his vehicle, than a inherent design problem.
I dont think the frame on a 6x6 is designed to flex, it's designed to be triple overloaded. It's the suspension that flexes and articulates (in the back anyways).
I think the friendly subtle suggestion might have been made is that you could take your truck that you have built into a nice flatbed, sell it (for a profit of course.), and build you a different truck that might be more suited to the enviroment you plan on using it in (wildland firefighting). Just take all the firefighting gear that you have bought for it and put it on the 6x6 platform.
If you cant get water to the firefighters, do you still get paid? I mean, that is the main objective here for you right? To get paid?
Wait a minute, what am I saying?
We all know how well you take subtle suggestions.
Just lke Elvis "...I did it my way!"
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