Posted by jason in Utah on Wednesday, October 08, 2003 at 9:32AM :
In Reply to: Late model Ram hood ornament needed posted by Tim Way on Thursday, October 02, 2003 at 10:28AM :
i bought one at the dealer including base for $50 included everything needed to install including measurements,the base and templates. don't buy that kind of stuff from JC Whitney, it's usually crap, and you'll wish you hadn't. the hood ornament is the same for all the Rams that used them, they all had the same hood, but the dealer may give you different prices for different years, so check each year.
i bought a grill shell for my '85 through JC Whitney and was very dissastisfied for the cost. i got lucky when i had some work done on my truck recently and got a new one from the Dodge dealer.