Re: OT - Security Camera's

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Posted by Paul(in NY) on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 10:24PM :

In Reply to: OT - Security Camera's posted by Todd Wilson on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 10:07PM :

You need a time laspe video recorder hooked to a camera switcher. Feed your cameras into the switcher and it sequences thru the cameras recording. I have a RCA Time Laspe
Recorder. It has provision to constantly record and different sellected frame speeds.
I can on slow speed run 1 week on a standard VHS tape. It also has provision to be in a standby mode, doing nothing until triggered by a alarm. The alarm can be anything that will provide closed contacts when it goes into alarm mode. Using the alarm turn on, you can again set it up to record in real time or laspe time on an alarm. Works great.
Searh E Bay for Time Laspe Video Recorders, also Security Video Recorders.

The only problem you may have is if you have to turn in a tape to the State Police as evidence, they have to have a Compatable Time Laspe Video Recorder, and there are a few different standards.


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