Posted by Gordon on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at 3:51AM :
In Reply to: Re: urban legend of titles for untitled trucks posted by Keith in Washington on Tuesday, September 16, 2003 at 6:48PM :
I bought two rough 4 x 2 WC 36 Carryalls from Texas (hello Troy !) but those nice people at US Customs wouldn't let them out of the US without a title, the bill of sale that was with them wouldn't do.
The export shipper in Galveston hit one of these title companies with a few dollars, a title was printed based on the bill of sale info, and the trucks went in the container.
I nearly had the same argument over the Sno-Cat till I pointed out that you wouldn't see a Sno-Cat titled for road use in the US, or at least not that often....
Gordon (warm, sunny Scotland - need to get to the garage and finish wiring that pickup)
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