With my last comment

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Posted by The other Dan Shockley on Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 8:57PM :

In Reply to: I Never Said That? posted by Marty on Thursday, September 11, 2003 at 4:23PM :

"In one breath you're saying it has more power than is safe, & in the next you're saying it wouldn't tow well." Your close. It has too much power to tow safely, therefore, I would not give it credit for being able to out tow any Dodge here! Maybe I am being too subtle, but if any light duty truck (with as stock a drivetrain as this truck) was equipped with a power plant that developed 1500 lb-ft of torque than it would not be suitable for use as a towing rig....It may however be a real cool truck. Just not a good tow rig.

The redneck thing has nothing to do with looks. It is my opinion on the general effect and appearance of the conversion. Look at the dash for peat sake! I think that it looks aweful. I respectfully disagree with the level of craftsmanship (workmanship and engineering) being anywhere near comparable to that in Paul's carryall and that was the point that you neglected to recognize from the last post.

Anyway, it has been fun to duke this out, but at this point we may have to agree to disagree.


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