PW Air Cleaner Sealing

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Posted by George (in Houston) on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 at 8:00AM :

As I've been getting to the little details on my 46WDX rebuild, I'm struggling with a way to seal the air cleaner to the carb. I asked Steve at VPW if there is a gasket or something that goes between the air cleaner clamp and the carb, but he doesn't know of one. The clamp on mine is loose enough that the cleaner rotates freely around the carb which leads me to believe that it is going to suck air in through there rather than through the oil bath. I'm wondering what others have done to overcome this. I've thought of taking a bicycle innertube and cutting a rubber band to put between there, or coating the inside of the clamp with RTV, but would really rather have a proper gasket of some sort. Any ideas?

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