Re: Spun main bearing

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Posted by Bob Cocivi on Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 11:01PM :

In Reply to: Spun main bearing posted by Bob Cocivi on Thursday, August 21, 2003 at 8:52PM :

By difference I mean hauling "stuff" around town, going up long hills. I'm looking for torque.
They tell me you'll gain maybe 10 hp or less. The engine has 92 hp stock will 102 make my day?

I've spoke to a couple of machine shops around here and they tell me don't bother
increasing hp in a 230 w/ 5:83. Put in a 350 and change gearing. (If speed is what I wanted I would buy a sports car).

It seems like these guys only want to build fast engines not ones for torque.

I know more HP = more torque but 10 or less

I'm asking here because past experiences are proven, maybe's are not.

Sorry I was unclear

Thanks again

Bob C.

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