Posted by Russ/Wyo on Wednesday, August 20, 2003 at 10:28AM :
On my way home from work last night, I spotted an old '53 Studebaker sedan on a trailer going through town. I chased it down at a gas station to have a look. The couple were on their way home from the speed trials at the Bonneville Salt Flats, where they set a new land speed record in their class AA/BG CC over 206 mph. Not bad for a 50 year old car. Speed Week goes through this Friday if anyone is interested. I used to set my own land speed records driving to the Salt Flats after work to watch the evening runs many years ago. Watching is free, and you are allowed to visit the pits. I took a picture of Gary Gabelich talking to Don Vesco the year that Gary set the all time unlimited land speed record and Don had set the unlimited motorcycle land speed record. Let's see if Mac from Texas can set a new world speed record for Power Wagons, now that he's got the Dennan Overdrive.
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