Posted by dave horvath on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 6:22PM :
In Reply to: I would like to know too. posted by Clint Dixon on Tuesday, August 19, 2003 at 6:05PM :
Clint, the grays I have listed in order are:
Prairie Gray 35-36
Silver Wing Gray #3 37-39
Dodge Truck Gray 40-42
Granite Gray 50-52
Stone Gray 57-58
Heron Gray 59
Mustang Gray 61-70
Of course, not all of these were PW colors. I don't know if this is a PW color or not. There was no gray in '54.
It looks a little like the gray I saw on an early military Jeep at the ATCA show in July. It reminds me of battleship gray.