Posted by MATT on Friday, August 08, 2003 at 10:03PM :
just wondering why nobody jumped on the chicken band wagon for the 5k that it started at. afterall she was happy for 5000 out of it that is why it started at 5.... a lady is selling it for her and it did start with no reserve.seam to be very nice people.. you usually meet nice people into these power units... anyway people shut down auctions all the time. i've shut down several for a decent price.. that unit could have been purchased for 5500 easy.. i was all over it until i checked the miles..too many for me...i just got home from saskatchewen,a 3500 mile round trip.., i purchased the don uhl rig.. 1946 fargo power wagon.. very nice with big very big tires...some of you have probably seen it.if not it's on his web page which can be found on here...don is one nice fellow as with his family and marty and some other candians that i've met.. they the ( U.S. ) done everything but a strip shearch to cross the border.. u.s. was harder on me than canada..
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