Posted by Chris Davis on March 30, 1999 at 10:05:27:
For those interested in the 11.00 x 16 LAV Michelin radial tires, I only have ten left. They are not the pick of the litter, so Ill catalog their faults.
Ive taken close up photos of problem areas on each, so if you are interested in one, let me know and I can Email photos.
I can be reached at work (714) 375-5822 (ask for Chris) or home (949) 455-9932. Shipping would be at your cost, from Huntington Beach, CA. Id
be willing to work out driving them to you if youre within an hour or two of Orange County.
These tires are 38 high, about 10-1/2 wide, weigh about 95 lbs, and have a load cap. of 4520 lbs at 80psi cold. Unless otherwise noted (plug in
#2 and small nail in #10) all problems are surface only, no punctures that I can find.
1) $45.00: Weather checked. One light, (1mm or so deep) but long (4 or 5) cut on sidewall. Notch in tread 1/8 deep, Ύ long. 4 or 5 other small
cuts or notches on tread. Overall tread thickness of about a Ό. Deeper notch on other sidewall, Ό deep, 1 long. (Five photos available)
2) $50.00: Well worn, 1/8 to 3/16 of tread. Some weather checking. Two separate cuts on tread, each about 1 long by 1/8 deep. One plug,
which looks like its been driven on for some time. (i.e. holds air). (Four photos)
3) $75.00: A couple minor tread cuts. Notch at upper sidewall/lower tread Ύ long by Ό deep. 3/8 tread. (One photo)
4) $60.00: ½ deep by ½ long cut in one tread knob. One side worn more than the other (out of alignment). Tread ranging from 1/8 on worn
side to 5/16 on good side. (One photo)
5) $75.00: One 5/16 dia. By ½ deep hole, does not go through. Weather checking. 3/16 Tread. (One photo)
6) $45.00: Still mounted on LAV wheel. Pretty heavy weather checking and cracks. One side worn more than the other (out of alignment?). 2-1/2
cut on one of the knobs. Half dozen or so small nicks and cuts on tread area. 7/16 tread depth. (Three photos)
7) $50.00: Two upper sidewall cuts. First is about 3-3/4 long, Ό deep, entering at an angle, does not appear to reach cords. Second is 2-1/2
long and Ό to 3/8 deep. One knob has a deep cut running the width of the knob (2 long x ½ deep). Tread is about 3/8 deep. (Three photos)
8) $50.00: 1-1/2 long cut half on a knob and half on base tire, about a ½ deep. One knob cut (2 long x ½ deep). One upper sidewall cut, Ό
deep and 2-1/2 long. 3/8 deep tread. (Three photos).
9) $50.00: Sidewall cut, 4 long, 3/16 deep at deepest point. A half dozen or so minor tread cuts or nicks, largest 3/16 deep by 1 long. Cupping
(run under inflated?). Weather checking. 3/16 to 5/16 tread depending on cupping pattern. (Two photos)
10) $45.00: Cupping (run under inflated?). Weather checking and cracking. Base tire between knobs cut 1/8 deep and 2 long. Small nail (goes
all the way through though, but could be easily pulled and plugged). 1/8 to 3/16 tread. (Two photos)
Chris Davis
52 M37
Lake Forest, CA