Posted by Joe Cimoch on March 25, 1999 at 06:05:44:
I got this revelation on the way into work today, after hearing the commercial on the radio. In the commercial, the representative from is asking someone at Buckingham Palace if they have any available space for the 4.7 million amazon titles, pretty amusing.
I'm in the same boat, looking for space to keep the old Power Wagon Forums online.
So here's the pitch:
How would you like to be a Power Wagon Page Partner site? Does your Internet Service Provider (ISP) give you space on their server as part of your monthly fee? Do you have 1Mb or 2 to spare? Then why not put an old Power Wagon Forum on your site for others to view? I can send you the files, which consists of one main index.html file, and about 1,000 message files. You set up you web page, upload these files, and viola, the old forums are online again.
There really is no maintenance or scripts to worry about, and the files can only be read, not updated. I can make a link page with links to all the forum sites, for easy access.
If you are game, post here or email me.