Posted by Mark Pfeiffer on April 17, 1999 at 21:09:49:
In Reply to: Brakes Fix ?? response 4/06 and 4/11 posted by STP on April 17, 1999 at 19:43:21:
I have heard that the culprit could be caused by the internal collapse of the rubber brake hose. What happens, is that as the hose gets old and has been subjected to inumerable pressurizations, the walls start to detreriorate and slowly collapse. The brake fluid can still pass through the hoses whan under pressure (as when the MC is in action), but when the pressure source is released, significant residual pressure remains in the line due to the collapsed walls of the hose. Over time (i.e., when the vehicle is parked), the pressure will gradually dissipate and the wheel cylinders retract. If you haven't yet replaced the hose(s), you might give that a try.