Posted by Gordon Maney on Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 10:36PM :
In Reply to: Compressor Air Dryer posted by Paul (in NY) on Thursday, July 03, 2003 at 8:15PM :
OK,,,, homebrewed.... how big is your tank? Get several more big tanks, connect them in series, and set up a big fan to blow on them. It could be like several cows stomachs in a row. Water would condense in each one, and no refrigerant required.
Or, you could get some silicone caulk, and seal all the cracks in your basement, using the basement as an even bigger tank. Pressurize your basement, and water will condense on things down there, like the cold water lines, the walls and floor.
Then, connect your basement to the cow stomachs..... you might get written up in the local paper, kind of a Mother Earth News thing.
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