Posted by Jethro on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 3:10PM :
In Reply to: Completely off topic posted by Garth Quapp From Alberta on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 1:21AM :
You know you have a problem when:
1.You have dreams of falling into a vat at the brewery and drinking yourself out of it.
2. Your local beer distributor not only knows you by a first name basis, but knows your pay days, lending institutions, Holiday times, inventory at the pawn shops,
and has refused your wedding band and wrist watch as trade items more than once.
3. When you've consumed enough to theoretically kill a small mammal, and are ready to go on another beer run.
4. When, after chugging ox staggering amounts, you can recite the alphabit backwards and walk a chalk line but can't remember where you live.
5. When the next day you have your buddies drive you through every block of the neighborhoods looking for your car.
6. When you define a crisis as: brewery on strike or the medicine cabinet is out of aspirin, Advil, & Tylenol.
7. When you equate urinating in public as no different than an untimeful sneeze.
8. When you have a special identification on your drivers license as an organ donor, less liver.
9. When you've recognized that you have actually proved that one can live on beer alone for over six months, short of a few pretzels and peanuts.
10. When you claim that your slow mental response time and large beer gut are hereditary.
11. When you have mastered the technique of puking your livin' guts out and not miss a step on the tapping of the next keg.