Posted by Marty on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 11:50AM :
In Reply to: OT digital camera's posted by Judd on Thursday, June 26, 2003 at 11:30AM :
Funny you should ask about this because I just had a discussion with my good friend about it.
Stick with a Sony & not just any Sony...a cheap one that stores the pics on a Floppy like you have. I just bought a Cannon G2 for like $1200Can & it's just too damn complicated. If your printing pretty pictures of flowers for the Cannon, Fuji Nikon or any number of other great new complicated pieces of fragile equipment, but if you're taking pictures of trucks etc & you only download to the Internet, the Sony is such a fantastic tool.
You store 10 discs in your pocket at a Rally & you're good for 200 pictures. Mine, I can take 25 or so & then I either have to download them or by several more $50each high tech mini discs.
I borrowed my friends Sony Mavica & was so impressed with how simple it was that I offered to trade him straight! It's like the Power Wagon of cameras.
Good luck!
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