Posted by Judd on Monday, June 16, 2003 at 1:23PM :
There were some very interesting things to look at!
The Half ton everyone want's to know about was built by a one armed two toothed hillbilly from florida who's favorite pastime is kicking his dog and swatting flys from around his head! The truck is powered by an AMC 6 cylinder he swapped out of his grandma's gremlin, backed up to a four speed tranny out of the neighbors farmall tractor, transfering all this raw power down to some axle's he got out of Subaru brat. He's pretty proud of his creation and hauls his cousin (wife) back and forth from the free clinic twice a week (while there he donates blood for gas and tobacco) it's a great truck but too quiet for my tastes!
This was the first time in about seven years I attended the Banquet (the kids kicked in and bought me the ticket for fathers day) Very nice time except for the heckelers! Some guy started throwing coffee creamers at Gordon and Butler and even heckeled them about there receding hairlines!! Man what an embarrasment he was!
Trail rides were alot of fun, lots of mud and water, a few breakdowns but nothing serious.
I missed the parade as the kids and I decided to sleep in, good thing too because some moron from TX lost his brakes and ended up on top of the florida guys truck tire and two more piled up behind him! I guess it's a good thing we werent there as the Florida guy say's his dog has whiplash and swears he's gonna sue, he asked me later who the TX dip that ran into his truck was and I told him I thought it was John Foster as that was the only TX name I could think of at the time.
Dana was there with his M-37, I guess he talked some fool into hauling his truck all the way up there and back so's he could beat the crap out of it on the trails! All I saw of him this weekend was mud, canvas, and two great BIG guys surrounding him all the time?? Someone said they were his body guards?? I'm not sure of that but I did over hear them saying something about how nice and deep the mud was and that they ought to tell GUIDO about it as you could really lose a body down there?
Jay Good was there early this year, he was lionized by David Butler during the rally as being a great guy (which he is!) but for some reason they just couldn't get him to stand up and accept his applause?? JAY!!!!STAND UP!!!
Todd Wilson showed up Sat morning to critique trucks and offer his opinion on how everyone spent too much money to buy them and then hit me up for $$ because of the wear and tear his Grandma's car took to get him up there so's he could offer his opinion.
All and all a great time, sorry to the fella's that hoped I was bringing some parts to sell, maybe next year, all I wanted to do was spend some time with the family and a few trail rides this year.
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