Posted by David Sherman on Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 1:01PM :
In Reply to: Thats TAX and SPEND (our money) Democrats posted by mike stone on Sunday, June 01, 2003 at 9:59AM :
Last year the Washington legislature talked about raising the gas tax 5 cents. There's a slim replublican majority and the republicans said they'd go along with it only if they put it to a vote of the people in a referrendum. So they put it to a vote and the pro-tax people trotted out everybody they could find to say that life as we know it would come to a miserable end if we didn't pass the gas tax increase. Of course the gas tax failed.
This year one of the first things the legislature (republicans and democrats) was pass a 5 cent gas tax increase without putting it to a referrendum. The newspapers were all praising their "leadership", which apparently means doing what the construction and business lobbies want rather than what the taxpayers want. Of course all these people will get re-elected no matter how they voted.