Posted by Paul Cook on Saturday, May 24, 2003 at 6:53PM :
Memorial Day is a good time to remember those who sacrificed much and those who sacrificed all. Let's remember those who continue in harm's way.
The Department of Defense updated the guidelines for displaying the Blue Star Flag on December 1, 1967 with DoD Directive 1348.1, which implemented an Act of Congress authorizing a service flag and a service lapel button (U.S.C. 179-182). Only those with members of their immediate family on active duty in the US military may display it. The Flag has a Blue Star for each family member.
I display my Flag with great pride to honor my son, Steve, who is in Baghdad, and my daughter-in-law, Alanna, who just returned from overseas where she was involved in training Free Iraqis to work with coalition forces.
Let's hear from the rest of you Blue Star folks.
The same banner with a Gold Star denotes a family member who lost his or her life while serving. God Bless any of you who are displaying a Gold Star.
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