Posted by D Higgins on Monday, May 12, 2003 at 11:53AM :
You have made a forum posting below when I posted the D8 picture that I hauled. Many of your thoughts about how trucks are bad, how they kill people on the highway, bridge laws, and caluculating my weight per axle was totally uncalled for. Statistically, 80% of trucking accidents are caused by CARS. Run with someone sometime and you will not believe what cars do aroud big trucks. i.e. They follow us up an uphill SLOWLY and being irritated when they finally can get around us, they pass up, CUT US OFF and slam on their brakes to "get back at us" for going so slow up the hill. Typical. Second, you do not know about your weight limits. It is easy to calculate simple INTERstate axle weights, but there are also many other factors such as if a driver runs INTRAstate, if the driver is permitted to run on an oversize permit, or if that particular load was run under a special permit. Don't mistake me, there are some pretty dumb truckers out there also. But please do not infer that what I was doing was illegal BECAUSE IT WAS NOT and DO NOT spread bad un-true information about trucking due to your ignorance. I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have on what I know about trucking. They once told me that once it gets in your blood, you'll never get it out.
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