Posted by Dana on Sunday, April 27, 2003 at 1:41PM :
...(and boy are my arms tired. But you saw that coming...)
I forgot my digital camera, so as soon as I can get my disposable one processed onto a CD, I'll post some photos!! I'm sure Paul Cook will post some on his site sooner than I'll get to mine.
Suffice to say; "Good time was had by all!" Lots of familiar faces, some new folks, Paul's bad jokes (that all went over like a brick) (... a one-hundred dollar brick...) and lots of trail rides. Saturday evening we had a trivia contest, a Don Sawyer look alike contest (Ron won), and an auction that comprised of donated Dodge parts with the proceeds going to Pat and Wanda for all their hospitality. We raised $176,000.00 for them. John Foster collected the money after the auction. (Pat, if you get one penny less than that amount, sic your lawyers on John. As a matter of fact, get the IRS to audit him and monitor his every move.)
If you missed this one, be sad. Be very sad. More observations/thoughts/drivel later when I post pictures.
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