Posted by Mac from Texas on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 12:54PM :
In Reply to: Need some towing advice posted by G Q from Alberta on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 11:22AM :
What size are your axles? 3500s more than likely remember the truck weighs maybe 5700-6000 the trailer weighs 1300 1500 so you are at the max limit get anti sway and weight distribution set up for a trip that long. You will have a hard time getting the weight centered as the truck is that long be carefull dont get in a hurry if the tires are out at an angle the load is too much for the axles and can cause all kinds of problems I have used a gooseneck and because I wanted a slide in camper on my dualey I ordered a flatbed 20" with a 2" dove stand up Ramps 7000 lb axles brakes on both full rap around tongue. 2 5/8 adjustable bulldog coupler and 12000# jack and diamondplate fenders as well. My father was in the building and selling of trailers for many years and more is always better.I hope you enjoy youre trip to New Mexico.