Re: m37

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Posted by C. Garbee on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 10:45AM :

In Reply to: m37 posted by wendy bergen on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 9:49AM :

Original is nice but they are starting to get pricy and a bit hard to find complete. Some folks also don't like the fact that they clutter up the driver's fender (mounts on the top and gets in the way when you are working on that side of the engine)... A bunch of folks (myself included) are using the heater that was designed to be mounted in the M151 series of jeeps and are mounting them on the passenger side of the cab under the glove box. There is a write up of my installation on my website as well as copies of the instalation instructions that two other M37 owners provided. The M151 heater can be had from a variety of dealers for around $65 and the entire M151 kit with the heater for around $100 (it has a bunch of parts that you can adapt for use in the M37 but there are also a bunch that you wouldn't use...).

The direct URL to the first of my heater pages is:

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