Posted by Jim C. on March 07, 1999 at 08:35:58:
In Reply to: Re: If You Don't LIke the Price Dont Buy posted by R.Davis on March 06, 1999 at 20:31:24:
I disagree. The same principle is applied in all secondary markets. You can only get what the market will bear but, if someone asks too much for an item, it will "sit" and they will be forced to lower the price. You are correct in saying "don't buy if the price is too high", but that is purely "subjective", based on the buyers needs and means.
Basic economics.
I'm sure that there are "gougers" out there, but it has been my experience that the people on the forum are fair and honest.
Its great when someone stirs a hornets nest like this, isn't it?
Jim C.