Posted by Henry Jacobs on March 05, 1999 at 20:17:13:
In Reply to: Poor acceleration posted by Alan on March 05, 1999 at 16:44:55:
Spark advance is tested by shining a timing light on the timing indicator plate and pulley mark located on the front of the crankshaft. Depending on your exact setup, there should be some marks on the crankshaft pulley and a little metal pointer or tab stuck on the timing chain cover. Connect your timing light to the correct battery poles and clamp the inductive pickup around the #1 spark plug wire. With the engine running, aim the light at the pulley/timing pointer (watch the fan!) and pull the trigger and a strobe will flash. You want the TDC mark to be located at about 2 degrees After Top Dead Center (ATDC). I usually use a little whiteout or chalk to enhance the TDC mark on the pulley. Some pulleys have a little scale involving many lines on them so be sure that the line you mark is really the TDC mark. Spark advance may be adjusted by loosening the distributor base and turning it a few degrees - you'll see the TDC mark move as you do so.
The weights in question are located inside the distributor. To get at them, first mark the rotor position on the distributor body and the distributor body position on the engine block, then remove the distributor from the engine. Take off the rotor and the points and drive out the little roll pin that holds the drive gear in place. The whole thing will now come apart. Make notes as to which piece goes where if you've never done this before and don't lose any of the spacers or other gizmos, this can cause great troubles. You will find the weights under the distributor's "floor" plate. Remove and clean the carefully without damaging the springs. Note which spring goes with which weight, they are different! Put a *little* grease on the weight shafts on reassembly. Also note the bushing fit of the distributor shaft, there should not be any significant play. You will also want to ensure that the felt wick is saturated with oil.
There's an AC pump in there somewhere. If the skirt is missing, then that might be a significant problem. It will be in a round cavity somewhere in the carb casting. Also, make sure you don't damage the carb gaskets - sounds like they will be pretty brittle.