Posted by Rob Sexton on October 14, 1997 at 00:53:55:
In Reply to: 1965 Town Wagon PW gas tank swap info... posted by John Bitter on September 21, 1997 at 09:43:04:
I'm not really an expert, but have paid a lot of attention to Dodges for a few years.
I'd look for a Dodge chassis motor home being parted out in a truck salvage yard. Most sported custom-made, side-filling, BIG gas tanks.
Next, I'd look at Dodge full-size vans. They were side-fillers, too.
One could make a gas tank out of sheet metal fairly easily, if one was a welder. Nothing special necessary, but you'd probably want to build in some baffles to reduce splash, and use a stock sending unit opening for ease. Universal sending units are adjustable to any depth tank.
Plastic is risky in a truck that goes off paved roads.
Good luck.