Posted by garrison on October 11, 1997 at 22:41:51:
In my message I just sent, which you shold read too, I told the gentle man about THE ROD BALANCE PROBLEM that EVERY one of these chrysler engines can have if ANY ROD has ever BEEN REPLACED. these rods at the factory assy plant were grouped so that the rods in any given engine weighed the same but, their weights VARY A HELL OF a LOT from engine to engine or even if a new rod was ever installed. Now you say: but the machine shop knows this; BULLSHIT< and even if they did they probably wont care because to do anything about it, they would have to rebalance the WHOLE ENGINE! so a word to the wise: if you ever rebuild one of these Chrysler engines, GET IT REBALANCED> MAKE SURE you get your miles. MOST engine machinists dont even know this info. or they dont realize HOW MUCH Chryslers rods varied from engine to engine or with a replacement rod. PASS THIS ON! hope I helped someone.