Posted by Joe Sacco on September 03, 1997 at 06:27:51:
In Reply to: Re: Unleaded gas in a flat-head? posted by Rob on September 02, 1997 at 03:14:56:
: : the lead was addedto gas to do 2 things, to cushion the valves and seats, and as a cheap way to raise the octane of the gas. Chrysler used very good valves and seats in these engines and as I have rebuilt quite a number of them I have yet to see any valve seat recession in any of them. I use unleaded in mine, and no one drives theirs harder then I do.
: My M-37 runs fine on unleaded, I add alittle additive to help it out
: however I got a load of that blended stuff (methonal?, ethonal? )
: the 'ol girl went snap crackle pop and demanded the good stuff back.
: a drain and refill and no further problems.
Run some 2cycle oil in the gas once in while, or Marvel Mystery Oil. I don't know if this help, but I feel better. Any legal aditive will not contain lead, it is an octain booster. If you want to boost octain buy super it's cheaper than the additive.