Bed Construction

Mvc-620f Mvc-621f Mvc-622f Mvc-623f Mvc-624f Mvc-625f
Mvc-626f Mvc-627f Mvc-628f Mvc-629f Mvc-630f Mvc-631f
Mvc-632f Mvc-633f Mvc-634f Mvc-635f Mvc-636f 48B1PWBed

Click on a thumbnail to see the full sized picture

This is the bed strip and crossmember setup for a 2nd series bed on my 1955 C3-PW. These are New Old Stock (NOS) bed strips I purchased from a Dodge dealer in New Bern, North Carolina 30 years ago!

The six long bolts that hold the bed down (2 each on C-Channel 1, Hat-Channel 1, and C-Channel 3) are fine thread carriage bolts and are 5¼" long, ½" diameter with extra large heads that are 1½" in diameter. The large washer is 3" in diameter with a square hole to fit the carriage bolt.

FINISHED bed wood dimensions for the 1st series bed are as follows: Length of all boards is 95 3/4". There are two boards 10 3/8" wide. There are four boards 7 5/8" wide. All boards are 13/16" thick. The rabbet in the edge of a floor board is 5/8" wide & 3/16" deep.

625-628 - Rubber spacer used between the channel foot and frame for C-Channel 2, and Hat-Channel 2 (the non bolted channels)

629-631 - The rearmost channel with proper position (like the prop?) is shown is these pictures. The tailgate attaches to this channel is also used for the fastening at the end of the bed strips.

634-636 - These pictures show the rearmost channel for a WDX 1st series bed.

Last Updated:
April 18, 2004
