Re: Anybody in Wyoming?

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Posted by Russ/Wyo on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 9:58AM :

In Reply to: Anybody in Wyoming? posted by MoparGlenn on Monday, March 17, 2003 at 11:22PM :

There are some of us here still. Be sure to stop in to see Steve Wataha in Rock Springs. He's probably the most active Power Wagon restorer on the planet. He has 2 restored PW's at the shop now, and has just taken delivery on another restoration project about a week ago. His address is Steve's Auto Repair, 1404 Billie Drive, Rock Springs, WY 82901 and his phone is 307-382-4260. Steve doesn't have internet access and relies on others to post any information.

While you're in Rock Springs, watch for the Power Wagon on display at McCurtain's Motors right next to I-80.

On your way through the state, you can catch others of us. I'll e-mail you some phone numbers off the forum.

We got about 4 inches of snow last night and should get at least that much more this week so be careful on the roads. Have a great trip.

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