Ok then what term would you use???

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Posted by Eric B. on Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 3:07PM :

In Reply to: Re: and I disagree too posted by Glenn Reid in CA on Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 2:57PM :

Do you agree that one needs to DEFINE what Power Wagon one is talking about?

I used to try to cover it by saying WDX-WM300 Power Wagon, but that is a lot of extra typing for a hunt and peck guy like me.

I could also try WDX, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, C-1, C-3, C-4, W300, W300M, WM300 Power Wagon to cover all the bases, but I would need to keep a word document open at all times so I could copy and paste it in.

I welcome better Nomenclature, but I will not reject one that works for most folks until something better comes along, and I refuse to not define things in some way.

This is nothing personal towards anyone, I am just trying to avoid throwing out the baby with the bathwater!


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