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Posted by Eric B. on Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 7:44PM :

In Reply to: Glenn continues rampage against Drivel posted by Glenn Reid in California on Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 4:02PM :

Well, I for one agree with Glenn, I wish this forum had more posts of a technical nature, I would like to get in debates about what serial number 58 W100s got a full floating rear axle.

But NOBODY else but me cares about that, and MANY people seem to like to see Sam in his Underwear. Who am I to complain?

This forum has drifted from being about serious Dodge truck questions to more of a place to hang out and chat(with the odd truck question thrown in).

I for one would welcome more serious questions, but I still like to Joke with AAA about the "Texas Clique"!!

I have fun reading all the posts, and while I cringe when I see such a well replied to off topic thread (There goes Joe's bandwidth people!), I still think it is a good thing to have lots of people coming every day and just chatting.

Then when a serious questions is asked, someone should be around to help out.

Check some of the other boards, they have ZERO activity, why? BORING!!

GREAT job Joe!

I have only given a small amount to Joe, but I still use up bandwidth like it belongs to the government! :-)


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