Looking for a haul: SE Arizona to Dallas, TX

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Posted by dave Austin on Wednesday, December 11, 2002 at 1:02PM :

Hi all,

I am contemplating the purchase of a project truck, a 1/2 ton wc-12. Unfortunately, its not running and semi-assembled. Meaning, its a complete cab and front end, with motor, etc, but the bed is in pieces and there is another full closed cab w/ doors that goes with it.

Before I commit, I must know that I can get this thing hauled to me.
Most haulers want running rigs, and a truck in pieces most wont touch.

Anybody out there know of a hauler who would do this, or / and has expereince moving a partially assembled truck?

Its coming from South East Arizona to Dallas, tx area, approx 954 miles according to Mapquest.

Thanks all.

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