ops pls

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Posted by clueless [] on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12:36:21 :

i want to notch(grind) the top frame rail a 1/2 in. or so as in the diagram to accomodate the 9 in. booster giving it more clearance and also making it easier to get it in place between the frame rails

8 in. booster would work better but i think i want to use the 9 in. since i already have it unless there is a good reason not too

the stock frame rail width tapers from 2 3/4 to 2 in.s or so from the crossmember to back where the stock sbox is as i have drawn in the

this is on my 6x6 frame

are wdx wm frame rails that wide at the front crossmember

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