Re: ffpw fender coating options

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Posted by Desoto61 [] on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 at 05:47:30 :

In Reply to: ffpw fender coating options posted by jim in ct. [] on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 at 19:03:59 :

Good powder coat is every bit as durable as paint if not more, however it's harder to touch up (you end up using paint), and because the item has to be baked it won't work over body filler usually.

A spray liner can be very durable, but it's hard to clean, won't look as pretty, and without the right top coats tends to fade worse over time.

Paint is a known quantity, I used PPG for my truck and it's worked well, though I don't have any comparisons against other brands to compare and contrast.

I sprayed the top side with PPG base/clear, and so far it's held up well. The bed and the cab were sprayed almost two years apart and they still match, no fading. I did have the underside of the fenders Line-X'd to help protect the metal from whatever the tires kick up, and it also has held up well so far.

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