Coil was shorted

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Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Sunday, October 02, 2016 at 02:24:41 :

In Reply to: Re: Points don't look bad posted by Kaegi [] on Sunday, October 02, 2016 at 01:45:03 :

Probably from over-heating. Still can't figure why the wire burned up and the ballast resistor never even got warm. Tach wire is a tiny little thing that couldn't carry any meaningful current. Still don't have it all working but after temporarily borrowing a coil off a Chevy I confirmed that with a good coil the wires don't burn up. Put new points in while I was at it because I had them on hand and the originals were far from pristine and I had to take them out anyway to get the wire off of them. I know I have a bunch of coils somewhere, but all I turned up looking was a 6V one. Want it? Next step is see if it runs, then continue with the tach installation. Another thing I've noticed about early Dodge electrics is the engineers were EXTREMELY optimistic about grounds. Any convenient piece of metal was assumed to be a solid ground, even if the juice had to go through several rusty (usually sheet metal) screws to get back to the battery. One bad connection in a system with numerous random grounds can cause all kinds of interesting effects.

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