Opinions re "throw a set of rings in it" (O.T.)

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Posted by Sherman in Idaho [] on Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 01:10:36 :

I have two old 4-banger rice-wagons (a Toyota and a Honda) that are getting a bit tired and starting to burn a fair bit of oil. Both have compression that's even, but definitely on the low side. Neither is worth swapping in a fully rebuilt motor for $1500 or so. I realize these days we tend to want to do everything right, but when I was a kid, people would often just get a ring job and a valve grind and call it good.

I'd appreciate any opinions on the practicality of just pulling the pan and head, getting the head done professionally (Cylinder Head Service here in Spokane is excellent and extremely reasonable), and putting in a ~$300 low-end "master rebuild kit" of standard-sized pistons, rings, and bearings. It seems to me that should tighten up all the wear items considerably without a whole lot of work. If I can't get the mains out without pulling the engine, I might even leave the old mains in. I would hone the cylinders, but not attempt to have the bored.

Is this a total waste of effort or is it a reasonable way to get another 100,000 miles out of an old motor? I wouldn't hesitate to try it on an old flat-head, but the little aluminum 4-bangers rev up higher and have tighter tolerances.

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